Together with composers Mauricio Pauly (CR) and Santiago Diez Fischer, Duo Hellqvist/Amaral explores the boundaries of their instruments and look for new extended instrumental techniques. Pieces included in the project have focused on inside piano techniques, lo-fi electronics, scordatura, objects found in every day life, guitar pedals and more. The pieces have been presented at Radcliffe Institute at Harvard University and conDiT Buenos Aires.  Composer Eivind Buene is also part of the project, with his Untitled (2014), a work that includes a lyrical but uncanny study for inside piano echoing Mozart and following City Silence, meditative violin solo.


Duo Hellqvist/Amaral has a special interest for live electronic works that deal with room spatialisation and live processing. Composers currently involved in the project are Natasha Barrett (UK/NO) and Kent Olofsson (SE).