Book Publication
Impossible Situations: Concerts in the Making
Photography by Ellen Inga Hannesdóttir, texts by Karin Hellqvist and Heloisa Amaral with a contribution by Tim Rutherford-Johnson. Design by Janne Riikonen.
Impossible Situations: Concerts in the Making recounts the journey of a group of artists including performers, composers, an architect, a photographer and a sound engineer, as they explore different ways of making music together. The book is an experiment in creating original pieces, investigating alternative concert formats and testing new positions for sound, visuals, performers and audiences within the concert space. While the lens of photographer Ellen Inga gives a rare glimpse from behind the scenes of contemporary music production, including work processes and the more social aspects of travelling and working as a group over long periods of time, the voices of performers Karin Hellqvist and Heloisa Amaral narrate the transformation of the artists as their roles, practices and media intertwine, and as they strive to balance equality, plurality and personal autonomy in a common space of experimentation.
For orders and further information, contact us through the website or send an email to The book is free of charge for art and educational instiutions (+ porto from ca. 15€).
Hard cover
160 pages
24 x 27 cm
ISBN 978-91-984059-5-8